Aquatouch Disifectant


Aquatouch Disifectants

Trade, especially in the healthcare field it can be more complicated and deceptive.

Sometimes you can not be sure if you select right product or dealing with a reliable supplier. HFC here to make you feel safe as medical and pharmaceutical supplier under its reliable brand. HFC established to bring health to the whole world! HFC is here to make you rely only on its service and products.
HFC dedicated to help its customers by providing high quality medical and pharmaceutical products.

We love to help our customers and make them feel more secure by using our high quality products. We are aware of that our partners feeling safety when they see our brand on any product!

Technical information

Product NameSizeUnit
Back Table Cover150×2002
Basic Drape150×2501
Gauze Swab15×1510
Skin Marker and RulerST1